The Best Celebrity Beard Makeovers

rexusa_1056015hPhoto: Tony Buckingham/REX USA.
Opinions have always been (and will always be) split when it comes to beards. People are especially vocal about the facial hair of celebrities. Does Ryan Gosling look better with or without scruff? Is the Jon-Hamm beard really worth all the hype? Well, Buzzfeed wants to help you figure out which side you're on, with 19 of the best beard makeovers in Hollywood. From Jamie Dornan to Idris Elba to Henry Cavill, here's what these scruffed-up dudes look like with and without their beards. It's actually an interesting little experiment; facial hair completely changes the way some of these men's faces read.
So, do your favorite leading men look better with or without their beards? Click through to Buzzfeed and finally put that question to rest. (Buzzfeed)

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