The 8 Most Important Things On Blake Lively’s Lifestyle Website

Gwyneth she is not. While Blake Lively's lifestyle website, Preserve, may bear a few hallmarks of the goop goddess' empire, it's a horse of a different color. That color is somewhere between Lo-Fi and Hefe.
If you've had a chance to poke around the site today, you may have noticed a few themes emerging in the shopping section. Blake and her team have a particular taste and crowd they're catering to — and we're not entirely hating it. The prices range from low-ish to pretty darn high, but you won't find any $1,000 shot glasses (an actual item once sold on goop of which we will never, ever tire of reminding you).
Keep in mind, Preserve's stock is largely composed of artisan-made or indie-brand products, which necessarily ups the cost factor. The company also devotes a portion of its profits to a charity partnership with Covenant House (to be fair, goop also supports a number of charities).
All that said, we're still talking about a celebrity lifestyle website. Any site that's selling something as amorphous and subjective as "lifestyle" is going to raise some eyebrows. We picked through Lively's current stock to see just what style of living she's peddling. Based on our research, it's a girly-salty-geographic-tattooed-bike-riding kind of life. Sold?
Here are eight things you can't avoid on Blake Lively's lifestyle website. Check 'em out and draw your own conclusions.

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