Picture the most embarrassing thing that's happened in your career. Now, imagine a friend forcing you to relive that event by texting you step-by-step descriptions of everything that happened during it. Sounds terrible, right?
Well, what if your regrettable career decision was starring in The Edge of Reason (the critically reviled sequel to Bridget Jones), and the live-texting friend is Emma Stone? Suddenly, it doesn't sound so bad after all.
Welcome to Colin Firth's life. He and Stone play the romantic leads in Woody Allen's latest, Magic in the Moonlight. In real life, however, their relationship has taken on more of a "little sister who looks up to her big brother, but also teases him mercilessly" quality.
This quasi-sibling relationship has manifested itself in the form of Stone rewatching Firth's entire filmography — she's a massive fan. "I've seen Love Actually about 18 times," Emma tells The Daily Beast. She's also kind enough to walk Colin through some of his more regrettable roles.

"I live-texted Colin the plot of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason a few months back while I was watching it...I talked him through what he was doing," Stone says to The Daily Beast. Firth would rather she didn't. "I might decide to not revisit stuff in the past, and then you get a good friend saying, 'Oh, when you were doing this you had this and that expression on your face,'" Firth laments.
The two continue their playful ribbing throughout the interview, with Stone teasing Firth about their age difference ("He told me he was on The Daily Show in 2001, and I told him that was six years before I was born. So long ago. What was it like then?"), what cold water does to his pride (and prejudice), and being a "quote whore" ("Crack-Whores and Quote-Bores. That will be the name of my autobiography," Colin confesses).
Long story short, they seem to have worked through this whole Edge of Reason awkwardness. What will happen when Emma gets to Firth's song-and-dance-palooza in a certain ABBA-scored movie, though? It's a guaranteed live-text sing-along — and will undoubtedly be kicked off with a text reading, "Mamma mia, here I go again." (Vanity Fair)