Reuben Reuel sells his clothes on Etsy. He grew up in Virginia, and he got his start designing for the women at his church. And, now, he's dressing Beyoncé, who has posted pictures of herself in his pieces on her Instagram. No big deal.
Since he began in fashion, Reuel has worked with traditional African prints and fabrics — specifically Holland wax cotton — and it's clear he has a passion for pattern. His style is structured, feminine, and bright. That air of cool minimalism, so often lauded by the fashion community? You won't find it here. Instead, there's a vibrancy and glee to his work. Sound perfect for a certain singer we know?
To properly meet this emerging talent and learn about his inspiration, click over to The Huffington Post. And, don't forget to check out the photos of his clothes on non-celebs — we can almost guarantee an Etsy visit is in your future. (The Huffington Post)