We were all teenagers at one point; we know that just being told not to do something, without a reason, doesn't cut it. In fact, it may make us want to do it even more. And, while we're all aware that sodas aren't exactly nutrient-packed green juices, there are plenty of us who are still guilty of guzzling a can or two on a regular basis. If this is you, read on.
Related: Sugary Drinks Can Be Deadly
Although more and more people are becoming aware of the hazards of a soda habit, here are a few frightening facts you may not have known — and which may help quell your inner rebellious teen.
Soda takes a toll on your body from head-to-toe: A recent study finds that consuming two eight-ounce sugary drinks per day increases your risk of having a stroke by up to 22%. What's more, somehow soda slips past the regular preventative measures. A study from earlier this year suggests that exercise might not be able to counteract the effects of routine soda-sipping. And, earlier research has (unsurprisingly) found links between sugary drinks, diabetes, and obesity.
Click through for more convincing facts that would make even the most enthusiastic soda fans question their habits. (Women's Health)