Everything You Wanted To Know About Daniel Radcliffe In Six Minutes

Daniel Radcliffe is everywhere these days. His current ubiquity might even surpass the height of his Potter days, and with good reason. The 25-year-old actor is undergoing something of a career rebirth, thanks to a string of edgy new roles that are making the bespectacled boy wizard all but disappear.
While in the midst of the promotional blitz for Radcliffe's charming new rom-com What If, he sat down with Vogue for an ultra-brief, but ultra-informative interview, as part of their 73 Questions series. In it, Radcliffe showcases his tap dancing skills for co-star Zoe Kazan, dusts his interviewer in a game of Ping-Pong, and answers — you guessed it — 73 rapid fire questions with the ease of someone who's been, well, asked a lot of questions in his life.
In fact, Radcliffe's interview prowess is so impressive, it's hard not to wonder whether he had a chance to look at some of the queries pre-taping. His favorite food? The Canadian drunk snack, poutine. Dream cameo? South Park. Kittens or puppies? Puppies, because "Who chooses kittens?"
Erm, we do Daniel. We do.

Photo: REX USA/Nils Jorgensen/Rex.


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