Daniel Radcliffe is everywhere these days. His current ubiquity might even surpass the height of his Potter days, and with good reason. The 25-year-old actor is undergoing something of a career rebirth, thanks to a string of edgy new roles that are making the bespectacled boy wizard all but disappear.
While in the midst of the promotional blitz for Radcliffe's charming new rom-com What If, he sat down with Vogue for an ultra-brief, but ultra-informative interview, as part of their 73 Questions series. In it, Radcliffe showcases his tap dancing skills for co-star Zoe Kazan, dusts his interviewer in a game of Ping-Pong, and answers — you guessed it — 73 rapid fire questions with the ease of someone who's been, well, asked a lot of questions in his life.
In fact, Radcliffe's interview prowess is so impressive, it's hard not to wonder whether he had a chance to look at some of the queries pre-taping. His favorite food? The Canadian drunk snack, poutine. Dream cameo? South Park. Kittens or puppies? Puppies, because "Who chooses kittens?"
Erm, we do Daniel. We do.
Photo: REX USA/Nils Jorgensen/Rex.