England’s Real Queen, J.K. Rowling, Celebrates Scottish Vote

jkrowlingscot-embedPhoto: REX USA/Paul Grover/Rex.
It's official: In a historic vote, Scotland has voted "no" to becoming an independent nation. With a 55% majority in the polls, it will remain a part of the United Kingdom. In the final weeks before the vote, many celebrities added their voices to the cause — from David Beckham to Kate Moss. We're sure the Queen is also stoked about her continuing hold on the Scots, but no one is more vociferous about her belief in prolonging the "united" in "United Kingdom" than the unofficial queen of England, author J.K. Rowling.
In addition to donating £1 million to the campaign to keep Scotland in the U.K., she penned a lengthy blog post about the vote, saying that separation would be a "historically bad mistake."
She also took to Twitter. The Harry Potter scribe is a notoriously spare user of the social platform, so her rush of tweets about the Scottish independence vote stood out even more. Rowling was 110% in favor of Scotland remaining part of the union. She tweeted up the equivalent of a unicorn (Scotland's national animal) Patronus to sway her followers to vote "no." She also linked to an op-ed in The Guardian that called the yes campaign "over-optimistic" and full of "blind zeal and indifference to reality."

And, when the results had been tallied, she celebrated with a record spree of retweeting fellow exuberant sovereigns of the crown.

So, rejoice, ye Scottish Muggles, for it is J.K. Rowling's demand.

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