16 Albums By Female Artists You Gotta Hear Before 2015

Between now and the end of the year, labels big and small will roll out their hottest product. It’s the fourth quarter, y’all, and much of the hubbub thus far has centered on the forthcoming records by Weezer, Foo Fighters, T.I., Rick Ross, and TV on the Radio. Not to mention, Kanye West, who’s getting ready to one-up Beyonce and U2 and break us off with fresh jams in some insane fashion.
Amid all this streaming testosterone, the final 12 weeks of 2014 will bring loads of great releases by female artists. What follows are 16 lady-centric records you ought to check out before ’15 rolls around. Because “women in music” isn’t a genre unto itself, the list spans psych-folk for freaky people to pure pop for everyone. Step aside, fellas, and see how it’s done.

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