10 Times Amy Poehler Completely Got You

It's pretty perfect that Amy Poehler named her first book Yes Please, because that's exactly what we said when we heard Poehler was finally writing a book. When we saw her author photo and bio, which proclaim that the entire book is an effort to get an invite onto Judge Judy's yacht, we were even more pumped to read it.
The memoir-cum-advice tome finally hits shelves today. And, it's chock-full of stories and musings from one of the funniest women in the biz. It also includes guest chapters from Seth Meyers and Poehler's parents, along with an acrostic poem about why Tina Fey rules.
Yes Please is pretty much everything you ever wanted to know about Amy Poehler's life up until now. But, it's not a straight memoir. Nor is it a miracle self-help book that will vault readers who follow it to the letter into the Hollywood stratosphere. Amy Poehler is completely up front about how she became the successful actress, writer, producer, and mother that she is today: with good, old-fashioned, hard work.
That's also not saying that Yes Please is a slog through someone else's tales of dues-paying. Poehler is a natural-born comedy writer, and it shows even in the parts where she's, say, detailing how they got UCB up and running.
You probably already harbor a fond reverence for the magic of Amy Poehler. Yes Please will only amplify your regard. Here, 10 quotes from Poehler's tome to whet your whistle. And, Judge Judy? If you're reading this, we'd also like to board the Triumphant Lady. You'll notice how well-versed we are with nautical slang in the preceding paragraphs. Ahoy, mateys. Get ready to say, "Yes please" to everything you're about to read.

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