Nicole Richie Has Midnight-Blue Hair

Photo: Vincent Sandoval/Getty Images.
It's official: Nicole Richie is a unicorn. A magical, magical unicorn. Why? Because she's able to change her hair at the drop of a hat. And, her most recent dye job is much darker — and more mysterious — than usual (for Halloween?). At first glance, it may seem black. But, upon further inspection, it's actually a dark blue. Midnight blue, if you will.
At this point, black would be more shocking than blue for her. Nicole has adopted pretty much every color of the rainbow on her head, from turquoise, to baby blue, to lavender. She even (arguably) started the gray trend at last year's Met Gala.
Click through to see the shade with Nicole's hair down.
Could this mean the end of Nicole's pastel reign? Perhaps. Maybe, it's because everyone is dyeing their strands crazy colors now, and Nicole has always been ahead of the curve. Keep doing you, girl. The rest will (likely) follow.

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