Kim Kardashian’s App Is Making All The Money

Photo: REX USA/Jonathan Hordle/Rex.
In news that will shock approximately no one, Kim Kardashian's app, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, is raking in all of the cash. According to an earnings report from Glu Mobile, the company that developed the game, it made a whopping $43.4 million in Q3 of this year. That's more than 10 other Glu Mobile app games combined, according to The Daily Dot.
How does a free app make so much money? It's those in-app purchases that get you. And, when more than 22.8 million people have downloaded it, those small extras add up.
It's also surprisingly addictive. Who wouldn't want to play a game in which Kim K is their fairy godmother? (Uh, right?)
If you're looking for a way to not be totally alarmed by how much money this thing has made, try framing it as an underdog story: It was initially projected to bring in $200 million by the end of 2014. See, it's all about perspective. (Daily Dot)

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