Marilyn Monroe’s 1955 Resolutions Were NOT Messing Around

Photo: REX USA/Everett Collection.
How are those New Year's resolutions working out? Have you deleted your exes from social media? Is your apartment sparkling and homey and dust-free? Aren't you just loving subsisting on nothing but bee pollen and chia seeds? No?
If you find yourself slipping, perhaps this look back at the lofty goals Marilyn Monroe set for herself in 1955 will provide some motivation. Girlfriend had one serious to-do list.
Here's a transcript of Marilyn's resolutions (since her handwritten list is pretty illegible), courtesy of Jezebel and Lists of Note. Adorable spelling errors and the like are Monroe's.
Must make effort to do
Must have the dicipline to do the following –
z – go to class – my own always – without fail
x – go as often as possible to observe Strassberg's other private classes
g – never miss actor's studio sessions
v – work whenever possible – on class assignments – and always keep working on the acting exercises
u – start attending Clurman lectures – also Lee Strassberg's directors lectures at theater wing – enquire about both
l – keep looking around me – only much more so – observing – but not only myself but others and everything – take things (it) for what they (it's) are worth
y – must make strong effort to work on current problems and phobias that out of my past has arisen – making much much much more more more more more effort in my analisis. And be there always on time – no excuses for being ever late.
w – if possible – take at least one class at university – in literature –
o – follow RCA thing through.
p – try to find someone to take dancing from – body work (creative)
t – take care of my instrument – personally & bodily (exercise)
try to enjoy myself when I can – I'll be miserable enough as it is.
That last one is pretty heartbreaking. It's unclear whether or not Marilyn managed to make all of these things happen, but 1955 was a major year for her. She began dating Arthur Miller that May, and The Seven Year Itch premiered a month later. So, maybe it pays to think big?

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