How's your Wednesday going so far? Feels like you could use a pick-me-up? How about Chris Hemsworth in a wet T-shirt? Great, because that's what Jimmy Fallon was kind enough to do for everyone. He challenged the Australian actor to a water war last night, and the cards were ever in our favor.
The game is simple: Each player has a deck of cards and flips the top one over. The person with the higher card gets to pour water on the other guy. When it's over, to the victor goes the water cannon. Fate was truly smiling last night, because Jimmy Fallon emerged the winner.
This meant that Chris Hemsworth — already fairly wet from losing so many hands — participated in a full-on wet T-shirt contest (well, button-down shirt, which we're sure his stylist loved). Since Hemsworth is truly committed to his craft, he turned his dousing into a true Flashdance moment. For that, we thank him. What a gentleman, looking out for our hump day needs.