After 20 Hours Of Research, The Best Selfie Stick On The Market Is….

With their extended rods, phone
clamps, and handy wristbands, it's easy to assume that all selfie sticks are
the same — because for the most
part, they all look the same. But, a
new study from The Wirecutter shows that not all selfie sticks are created
equal. And, in true Wirecutter form, they've provided more than enough exhaustive research to back it

The site is famous for its extensively
documented product reviews — it once took them 40 hours of sleep tests in extreme conditions to
determine the best sleeping bag — so when it came to selfie
sticks, the writers did basically everything but ask Kendall Jenner which one was her favorite. They tested 20
different versions over 20 hours, snapping photos in a variety of locations,
including an entirely frozen-over Niagara Falls. (Talk about dedication.)

Hundreds of photos later, they deemed Looq Systems' Looq DG the favorite, thanks to its versatility and user-friendly design. The stick ranges from eight inches folded up to about 41 inches when it's fully extended, which means it's easy to carry packed up, while also being long enough to keep the stick out of the bottom of the picture. So whether you're planning your next Museum Selfie Day or just practicing your supermodel-inspired selfie skills, you can buy the number one selfie stick for $20 here. After all, if you're going to resign yourself to being a selfie stick person, you might as well go with the best...right? (The Wirecutter)

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