Genius College Student Creates Ice Cream For PMS Sufferers

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If you do a quick search for foods that combat PMS, you'll end up finding everything you absolutely, positively do not want to eat, like kale, chia seeds, and chicken. Who wants to crunch on greens when what you really want to do is punch everyone in
the face? Luckily, Oklahoma State college student Parker Jones came up with a
brilliant solution: ice cream for women on their periods. The flavors include
these gems: "Don't Come Near Me," "I Think I'm Dying," and "I Need Some More."

Unfortunately, PMS ice cream was a design project that Jones
completed for school, so ice cream that helps you combat all of those monthly
feelings of hatred and despair don't actually exist just yet. "The idea for doing ice cream
packaging was a suggestion from one of my professors, and from there, I came up
with the PMS concept. It honestly took a long time to get the punchline just
right for each [of the] individual ice creams," Jones told BuzzFeed

We caught up with to Jones to discuss the project and her instant internet fame. She told us that she originally had trouble coming up with something interesting to do with the ice cream theme her professor had suggested, so she tried to think about why she likes ice cream. "I crave it so much when I'm PMSing," she explained. So far, Jones says the response to her now viral designs has been great. The only obstacle she faced was when she had to present her pitch to a room full of other college students. "It was an awkward situation when I presented it to my class," she explained, laughing.

While she's
still in school, Jones has already gotten some freelance job offers and a few inquiries about collaborating on an ice cream deal thanks to her next-level branding idea. Hopefully, an ice cream company will
even use her concept, so in the future we can all take a spoon straight to a
pint of "I Think I'm Dying." It would also be a great way to tell the loved ones in your life that now is NOT A GOOD TIME to get in your face, without explicitly having to say so. And, after you come down off of that ice cream sugar
high, try eating these period-friendly foods that combat bloating. (BuzzFeed)

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