This Is The Most Sex-Obsessed City In The U.S.

Recently, Men's Health undertook the mission of identifying the most "sex-crazed" city of them all — at least in the U.S. The magazine didn't ask city dwellers about their sex habits, but instead considered proxy indicators such as condom sales, birth rates, and STI rates; the logic is that cities high in these markers are probably having a lot of sex. Apparently, the country's most "sex-happy" city is Austin, TX, followed by Dallas, TX and Columbus, OH. The three least sex-happy cities? Yonkers, NY; Burlington, VT; and Portland, ME, which took last place. Of course, while condoms, births, and STIs may suggest frequent sex, they don't necessarily indicate good (or safe) sex. Condoms are one important form of birth control, but there are plenty of other options, especially for couples in monogamous relationships. We'll also point out that STI rates may have more to do with education and available healthcare services than with how often residents get it on.  Stay safe and sex-happy, America. Read on for the 10 most and 10 least "sex-happy" cities, according to Men's Health. 10 Most "Sex-Happy" Cities
1. Austin, TX
2. Dallas, TX
3. Columbus, OH
4. Durham, NC
5. Denver, CO
6. Indianapolis, IN
7. Arlington, TX
8. Oklahoma City, OK
9. Bakersfield, CA
10. Houston, TX

10 Least "Sex-Happy" Cities

1. Portland, ME
2. Burlington, VT
3. Yonkers, NY
4. Charleston, WV
5. Manchester, NH
6. St. Petersburg, FL
7. Hartford, CT
8. Buffalo, NY
9. Reno, NV
10. Billings, MT

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