Plus-Size Model Tess Holliday Covers People Magazine

Courtesy of People Magazine.
Move over, Karlie and Kendall; Tess Holliday is the supermodel of the moment. We've been a fan of Holliday (née Munster) since we named her one of the Faces of Plus-Size Fashion back in 2012. With striking good looks, it's no wonder she's taken the fashion world by storm, even though her tattoo-embellished, 5'5” and size-22 body is not what typically springs to mind when you hear “supermodel.” Thanks to her voluptuous figure and body-love mindset, Holliday has already gained a massive following, but with her latest achievement, she's about to see those numbers go stratospheric. That's right: Tess is gracing the cover of People Magazine's Body Issue — a coveted modeling slot that's guaranteed to ruffle a few feathers. While much of Holliday's work has infiltrated the online plus-size community (from brands like Torrid and Domino Dollhouse to her #effyourbeautystandards movement), this cover announces her as a household name. In the accompanying article, Holliday discusses her struggle for acceptance as a model in a skinny-obsessed world. Between bullies when she was growing up and the trolls that still plague her social media channels, Holliday had to steel herself against a massive amount of negativity as she fought to achieve her dreams. While many decry her body-acceptance movement as encouraging obesity, Holliday ignores the haters who don't understand her message. In a blog for People, Holliday explained her mission: [My supporters] know, like I do, that there is no one way to be a woman, or to be beautiful. We all deserve a place. I believe this with all my heart. While modeling is my career, and my family is vitally important to me, I have this passion inside of me to help other women feel confident and comfortable in their bodies, regardless of their size or what society tells them is beautiful. Today, it's Holliday 1, mainstream beauty standards 0. (People)

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