Over the last 20 years, Pixar has produced 14 feature films. Beginning with Toy Story in 1995, their movies have been filled with original, wonderfully designed characters, voiced by some of our favorite celebrities, from Emma Thompson to Ellen DeGeneres. Each film tells a new story from a new perspective, and never ceases to offer an invaluable life lesson.
With their knack for great storytelling, it's no surprise that Pixar has received 15 Academy wards, seven Golden Globes and 11 Grammys. However, it's the quotes, these simple yet powerful one-liners, that stick with us. Soon we'll be able to add more inspiring quotes from Pixar's latest, Inside Out. Between Amy Poehler and Mindy Kaling we're certain there will be plenty of laughs and signature lessons to learn. And to get you pumped for Inside Out, we've chosen some of the most memorable lessons and quotes from Pixar's past.
Be sure to thank the little ones for dragging you out to see these special films.