10 Essential Binge-Watch Shows (& How Long It Will Take To Watch Them)

Binge-watching is now a time-honored tradition, but it's important to be strategic about which shows you spend time with. You don't want to find out five episodes in that a show is actually going to bore you out of your mind. Similarly, you don't want to start a show only to realize you'll have to wait in agony for months until the next episode. It's one thing to start binge-watching Breaking Bad now, but don't make the same mistake we did; it was not fun adjusting from zero commercial breaks and a maximum of 30 seconds between episodes to 365 grueling days before new content appeared.
Here's a list of 10 shows that mostly avoid those problems by being either complete or long enough to last you a while, plus compelling enough for you to keep watching. But, remember to binge-watch wisely; you don't want to finish the show only to find your power's been cut, your friends and family have been trying to contact you for the past four days, and you don't remember your last shower.


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