How Would Lord Voldemort Do In A Presidential Election?

Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.
If the Republican primary were held tomorrow, you'd see a tight race between Rand Paul, Scott Walker, and...He Who Must Not Be Named? According to some fun data from a Washington Post analysis, Lord Voldemort is more popular than all but a handful of Republican presidential candidates. The Post writer stacked the favorability ratings of four villains (the Terminator, Darth Vader, Voldemort, and the shark from Jaws) against polling data for the top dozen presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle, using a recent Washington Post-ABC News survey. While the Dark Lord does trail all the Democratic candidates for the White House, Darth Vader is way ahead of frontrunner Hillary Clinton and her Democratic opponents Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders. Obama didn't fare that well either, placing third among the human candidates who would, presumably, get eaten by Jaws during a debate.
TheWashington Post experiment reworded questions from a real poll on the candidates it conducted with ABC News, but used Google Surveys to get opinions on fictional characters. As the Post points out, only Vermont Senator Sanders is more popular with people than unpopular, and he's only beating Florida senator Marco Rubio by one point. Everyone else? Mostly unfavorable opinions. Nearly three-quarters of the people surveyed don't like perennial fake candidate Donald Trump, which puts him at the bottom, well below the erstwhile Tom Riddle. Even if the comparisons are merely for fun, two things become clear: There are a lot of Republican candidates with likability issues, and the American public is not ready for truth and reconciliation with the Death Eaters.

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