Before You Start Watching True Detective Season 2…

This Sunday, we embark on the second season of True Detective and officially leave Rust, Marty, and the Yellow King behind. Although we have every faith in new cast members Rachel McAdams, Colin Farrell, and Vince Vaughn, we’re still not quite ready to let the first season go.
In only eight episodes, True Detective evolved from a moody and ambitious HBO drama into a cultural phenomenon. Thanks to its mix of darkness, humor, and philosophy, the series establishes detectives Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Marty Hart (Woody Harrelson) as fascinating antiheroes, whose personal battles are just as compelling as the murder case that nearly destroys them.
To help ourselves move on from season 1 (yes, still obsessed!), we look back at the many ways True Detective captivated us — and scarred us for life. Here’s to the rise of whispy ponytails and little aluminum men!


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