Why Everyone (Including Obama) Is Pissed At The New York Times Over Guacamole

It all began so innocently. This morning The New York Times posted a Tweet suggesting that we should all add green peas to our guacamole for texture, sweetness, and because they help keep the guacamole from browning. However, the Twittersphere and the world vehemently disagreed. Despite the fact that we side with team Classic Guac on this one, we can't help but feel bad for Melissa Clark, the writer of the piece who inadvertently started gauc-gate. She simply tried to share her love of nontraditional guac with the world, but then the Internet (and even President Obama!) stepped in. Check out some of our favorite responses to guac-gate below.
By lunchtime POTUS weighed in, expressing his vote for classic guac all the way.
And apparently, this is one issue that the president and the GOP actually agree on.
Jezebel didn't hold back with their response.
Some people felt betrayed.
And finally, a very valid point.

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