Pizza Rat Is Back & This Time The Beloved Critter Brought Friends

Update: Over two years ago, a determined rat made internet history and New York City lore when he was captured on video lugging an entire slice of pizza down the steps of a subway station. Now, the critter (or quite possibly a lookalike), who has come to be affectionately known everywhere as Pizza Rat, is back, and this time, he invited some rat pals to his pizza party.
With help from Eater New York, we recently came across a video that was shared on Twitter yesterday by a user named @fauxdeity. The video is very similar to the one that went viral a few years ago when we were first introduced to Pizza Rat. It features a small rat dragging a piece of pizza under the subway turnstile, but once he is on the subway platform, things start to look different. Pizza Rat is met by two other rats and then, depending on how you look at it, he either shares his pizza with them or has it stolen away. It's probably the latter, but you can decide for yourself by watching the video below.
This story was originally published on September 21, 2015.
We can just imagine the Phoebe Buffay song now: "Pizza rat, pizza rat/What are they feeding you?" ($1 slices, clearly).
On Monday, a carb-loving underground dweller took the internet by storm, when DNAInfo posted a video on Twitter of a rat trekking down the stairs of a subway station, slice of pizza in tow. It's a moment that any New Yorker has experienced, really: A longing to hurry home, dealing with not just the terrors of public transportation, but the desperation of hunger (and craving for a good old cheesy slice).
The food may be double the rat's size, but the scene certainly exemplifies the sheer determination New Yorkers possess — and how, in the nit and grit of the concrete jungle, solace can be found at nearly every corner.
Our only question: Where did the slice originate? Is the rat a 2 Bros fan? A Motorino lover? The world may never know what the rodent's favorite pizzeria is, but it will be able to relate to the incredible feeling of abandonment experienced toward the end of the video, when the critter loses its slice and continues on its journey, pizza-less. Oh, pizza rat, pizza rat. How can you let such deliciousness go?
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