This Gum Commercial Will Make You Sob At Your Desk

I am a total sucker for commercials that are meant to tug at heartstrings. Just thinking about the Budweiser puppy getting lost makes me tear up. So it was reassuring to hear that I'm not the only one who needed a tissue after experiencing Extra Gum's commercial, "The Story of Sarah & Juan." Yes, a gum commercial made me (not to mention the rest of the internet) cry, and I'm willing to bet it will make you cry, too. It's not going to sound nearly as beautiful when I explain it, but basically Sarah and Juan meet in high school, and she gives him some gum. Then, we watch their relationship develop, and Sarah somehow, magically, always has a supply of Extra gum at every single important moment in their lives. But, that's not why I'm sniffling at my computer. The commercial takes an extra-emotional turn when we find out that Juan is the most romantic man in the entire world. Not only did he keep all the gum wrappers, but he drew on all of them and uses them to propose to Sarah. HE KEPT ALL THE WRAPPERS, YOU GUYS. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to sobbing at my desk. If you don't believe me, see for yourself, below. Just be prepared to cry in front of your coworkers. So far my row at the office is 3 out of 4. (Buzzfeed)

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