This Bride Turned Her Ruined Wedding Into Meals For The Homeless

Photo: KCRA
It’s every bride-to-be’s worst nightmare. The groom gets cold feet days before your wedding and calls the whole thing off. You’ve already put down a deposit on the venue. What do you do now? That’s exactly what happened to 27-year-old Quinn Duane. Her fiancé called off their wedding, meant to be held at a four-star Sacramento hotel. They had already made a $35,000 deposit, arranged food for 120 guests, and more bills were coming in. So what did she do? Turn her wedding reception into a feast for the community’s homeless. “When I found out on Monday that the wedding would not be taking place, it just seemed like, of course, this would be something that we would do to give back,” Kari Duane, the bride-to-be’s mother, told KCRA. At first, only one woman, who lives at a shelter, arrived. But that didn’t deter the family. “I was thinking at that moment, if she’s the only person that comes tonight, this was worth it,” Duane said. More people arrived: Families, grandparents, and even newborns. All of them were looking for a hot meal. One man, who arrived with his family, called the meal “a blessing.” His wife added that the Duane family’s charity meant the world to her. “To lose out on something so important to yourself and then give it to someone else is really giving, really kind,” Erika Craycraft told KCRA. The menu included food from the hotel’s four-star restaurant, with cauliflower, gnocchi, salmon, and tri-tip all available. Though the bride understandably chose to stay home with friends, her choice to give back warmed a lot of hearts. “I feel a lot of heartache and heartbreak for her, but I will take away something good from this, I will,” Kari Duane said.

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