A new interview with Sarah Koenig reveals that season 2 of Serial — a.k.a., the only reason you get on the treadmill — is dropping in November. Officially. For real. She promises, okay? Can you let Sarah Koenig chill for, like, one second?
"I'm stressed, and I see my children less than I'd like to," the podcast's co-host told Glamour reporter Liz Brody, who apparently interviewed Koenig in a garden shed in Sag Harbor, NY. (IS THAT A CLUE, LIZ BRODY?! WHAT AREN'T YOU TELLING US??) Koenig adds: "But I like that [my children] are seeing their mother work really hard at something she loves and getting the lesson that they can go do the thing they want to do."
Yeah, yeah, you're a supercool, feminist mom, we get it — WHAT ABOUT THE CELL TOWER RECORDS?!
Koenig is also in the midst of reporting on Serial's third season, set to air this spring. While the subject of season 2 has been widely speculated on (do not click this link unless you want potential spoilers), all she'll say is, "It's our take on a news story that's already caused a lot of brouhaha." Oh, and: "It's controversial."
We'll see about that, Koenig, in a few more weeks — you promised. You promised in Glamour, and there is no more solemn vow than a vow made in Glamour. I just decided that. In the meantime, we'll see you 'round the Best Buy, where there was no payphone.