The 11 Worst Pieces Of Advice Amber Rose Gives Women In Her New Book

I had high hopes for Amber Rose’s book. You could say it’s because I’ve spent the past few months watching her shut down sexist bullshit. Take, for example, her response to a GQ story that ignored her own professional achievements and simply listed her as Kanye’s former girlfriend and Wiz Khalifa’s “baby mama.” And what about her VMA outfit that was decorated with all the nasty names she’s been called? Most recently, she encouraged women to embrace their sexuality in her Slut Walk. (And on a smaller scale, her Funny or Die video about the walk of no shame.) So, when I picked up Rose’s How to Be a Bad Bitch, which hits bookstores today, I expected more empowerment, more sticking it to the man.
But the truth is, I struggled with her book. Much of it reads like “how to live your life to please men." Her advice attempts to dress itself up in feminism, only to cave in on itself. For a book that purports to use a no-judgment policy as its foundation, How to Be a Bad Bitch comes off as extremely judgmental. Small moments of advice that are actually interesting — like the importance of having a vision for yourself and experimenting with your look — feel insincere. If a "bad bitch" is supposed to be a cooler word for feminism — perhaps a nod to the fact that some women have distanced themselves from the f-word — it’s lost in pages that might as well have been ripped out of a retrograde women’s magazine.
I was looking forward to discussing some of these points with Rose and listening to what she had to say, but via her publicist, she abruptly cancelled our phone interview scheduled for yesterday morning. Her team could not guarantee Rose would be available for a rescheduled chat by my deadline.
And so, we'll have to try to unpack Rose's philosophy on our own. Herewith, 11 of the most puzzling points from How to Be a Bad Bitch.

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