This Is The Best Friends Sub-Plot Of All Time

For too long, Ross Geller has been known by the superficial elements of his life. Oh, Ross? He’s the guy from Friends who will go to his grave insisting he and Rachel were on a break. He’s the guy who loves getting married. Most annoyingly, he is the one who loves dinosaurs. How unfair this world can be. Where is the celebration of Ross’ true identity — as a musician?
When we were first introduced to Ross’ sound in 1997's "The One Where Chandler Crosses A Line," it was presented to us in a humorous light. How funny, his friends thought. Ross is an anthropologist who secretly yearns to make music. Well.
We’re of the opinion that Ross is a gifted artist whose genius has gone unnoticed for years. This neglect ends today, on David Schwimmer’s birthday. We’re taking this opportunity to pay homage to the underrated musical career of Ross Geller — a maestro who just happens to be a dinosaur-loving serial monogamist.

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