The Most & Least Surprising Parts Of Khloé Kardashian’s New Book

Photo: Courtesy of Regan Arts.
Seeing as they're pretty much everywhere, all the time, it's hard to believe there's anything we don't know about the Kardashians. But Khloé, for one, has a lot more to say — and she does just that in her new book, Strong Looks Better Naked.

The book is part memoir, part self-help, and part diet-and-exercise guide. And all of it is very Khloé — from doling out gym wisdom and sharing veggie recipes, to recalling how she dealt with her father's death and meeting Caitlyn (not well). She speaks in a voice that, if not hers alone, is at least well-edited to come off that way: self-deprecating, candid, sincere, and vulnerable. While it's playful and funny in parts, the volume offers a look into the serious side of the most private Kardashian sister, one that we don't often see. So, we rounded up 10 tidbits from the book, some more revelatory than others.
Here are 10 interesting facts from Strong Looks Better Naked — ranked from least to most surprising:
1. The Kardashians love drama. Wait, what?!
"[N]ow I realize that I actually thrive on chaos. I think all of the Kardashians do. We like drama because it’s like a shot of adrenaline. We like problems because suddenly we have another opportunity to find a smart solution."
2. Khloé tried Beyoncé's infamous master cleanse, and it didn't go so well. Because Khloé is a real human.
"The craziest thing is that I was convinced the cleanse was going to work. It was Beyoncé, for god’s sake! My hero!... But I was miserable… I felt like shit, and I had turned into a raging bitch. Long story short, I didn’t make it through day 3."
3. The paparazzi attacks on her marriage made Khloé afraid to leave her house. After she and Lamar moved back to Los Angeles in 2012, it became too much.
"Every time I left my house, the paparazzi followed…snapping pictures and shouting questions — 'Is it true Lamar cheated on you?' 'Is he doing drugs?' 'Are you guys splitting up?' — and it was both painful and mortifying… I didn’t need to hear that negative bullshit. Every day felt like an attack. It was also humiliating; it got to the point that leaving my house would give me social anxiety."
4. Kim and Kanye have "Ferrari bodies." Khloé convinced the couple to go see nutritionist Dr. Philip Goglia, who helped her turn her diet around with his body-type analysis.
"I was so taken with Phil that I told Kim and Kanye to go see him. They did that whole blood panel, too, and — wouldn’t you know it? — Kim and Kanye are what he called Ferrari body types. Those two can process just about anything. Can you believe that? Life is so unfair!"
5. Khloé's body transformation wasn't about her body at all. It started as an escape from the press and therapy for her mind.
"The gym was a genuine oasis — a refuge and a sanctuary... My workouts were not about vanity; they were about relieving stress. I had so much going on emotionally, and I was disinclined to talk about it, even with my own family, so the workouts became a form of therapy."
6. Her marriage to Lamar helped her get away from the Kardashian name. And their separation shook her self-identity.
"When I got married, I was no longer simply one of the Kardashians; I had my own life and a separate identity. I had broken free... But with Lamar gone, it was as if I had taken a giant backward step. I was back to being Khloé, but a somewhat more 'damaged' version."
7. She's stopped babying Rob — but she's not kicking him out any time soon.
"Rob still lives with me, and maybe I’m weak, but I’m not going to put my brother out on the street on the off chance that he will make an effort to change is life… But beyond [being his biggest cheerleader], there’s not much I can do. He will make changes in his life when he is able to motivate himself."
8. She knows exactly how she came off during the 20/20 special on Caitlyn. And she's not apologizing for it.
"After we filmed it, I knew that people were never going to understand my reaction. I was still upset and angry. I had not had time to process the news. And even before I saw the footage, I knew I was going to come across as hostile and unpleasant...but [the pain and anger] was real; it was what I felt. It was my truth without the benefit of distance; it was truth unedited." 9. She came close to going to rehab. While she was grieving over her dad's death, Khloé's partying spiraled out of control. But Kourtney put her in charge of their brand-new Dash store and forced her to get it together.
"[S]he took it upon herself to turn me around... I didn’t ened up in rehab or anything, because Kourtney put her foot down and forced me to take control of my life, but I probably came close." 10. The media actually made Khloé question her reality. Years of relentless pregnancy rumors began to crowd out the truth, and it got scary. This is just crazy.
"During my marriage, according to the media, I was pregnant at least eight times. At one point, my own publicist called to ask me if the rumors were true… But suddenly I begn to wonder, and I was filled with self-doubt. I went to CVS to get a pregnancy kit just to be sure I wasn’t pregnant...of course the results were negative, but the fact that I had been driven to that extreme was frightening."

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