The Most Gut-Wrenching Pixar Moments, Ever

Pixar movies come with two guarantees. First, you will be entertained. Even though you are an adult, and these films are technically created for kids, it is completely acceptable to pay good money to see them. Second, you will cry.
In fact, you can expect to cry several times throughout a Pixar movie. These cries will not be equal, though. Some of them will be a minor welling up, like maybe you’ll cry, but you’re able to fight it off. But in each movie you know for sure you will have at least one a big, fat gut-wrenching sob. It will be unavoidable, and you should just embrace it.
So, since Pixar's latest, The Good Dinosaur, debuts on Thanksgiving Day, we thought it was a good time to revisit the sloppiest, most cathartic cry-fests Pixar has given us. Though there are many emotional moments, we picked the ones that pack the most punch. Ahead, the Pixar scenes that all but ripped our hearts out of our chests.


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