This Happy Goat Will Cure Holiday Blues

There’s less than a week until 2016 begins, and the holiday blues have set in for some of us. It might be turkey-and-candy overload or stuck-in-the-airport troubles, but finding reasons to smile during the last few days of the year can be difficult. Thankfully, we have adorable animal videos to boost our spirits. Goats, in particular, are warming hearts this holiday season. Goats sang Christmas carols to raise money for ActionAid Sweden. Now, they're curing the holiday blues on YouTube. A video uploaded on Christmas shows an excited baby goat drinking milk out of a saucepan. Its tail is wagging ferociously, as if drinking milk is the best part of the day. There’s heartwarming music in the background, which makes the rhythmic tail-wagging all the more endearing. Dedicate one minute to watching this adorable goat. Its infectious happiness will surely ease some of those holiday woes. OPENER IMAGE: Stuart Forster/REX Shutterstock.

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