The Internet Has A List Of Names For Kim & Kanye’s New Baby

Photo: Gregory Pace/REX Shutterstock
Praise Yeezus: Kim Kardashian and Kayne West welcomed their second child to the world on Saturday morning and both mother and son are reportedly doing well. Now that we officially know Kardashian's complication-filled pregnancy with baby number two ended healthily and happily, we can move on to the most important follow-up question, maybe ever: What will Baby Boy West be named? We don't know what moniker North West's younger brother will be given just yet, but then again, neither does Kimye, reportedly: Kardashian told E! News, "I don't have names, which is so crazy. We just started talking about it, and that was the last thing for us last time. So I feel confident obviously that we'll figure it out." Lucky for her, the internet is here to help! Mere hours after Baby Kimye was born on Saturday morning, the name Easton West began trending on Twitter, reports Us Weekly. But don't give the Twittersphere too much credit for coming up with the directionally apropos name — Kardashian told Ellen DeGeneres had a soft spot for the name Easton back in September. (Kanye was not similarly smitten with the moniker.)
Others advocate for a young Wild Wild West. (Just think about baby Wild Wild and big sister North doing the Will Smith dance together.)
Some think the couple should meet in the middle.
Second time's the charm?
Names can be complete sentences, too.
Grandma Kris Jenner was reportedly "counting on" them naming the baby South, but some Twitter users just aren't having that.
Perhaps Coolio, but with a K?
And we can't help but be a little partial to this Friends-inspired suggestion.
We truly cannot wait to find out what delightfully honest new mama Kim has in store for baby number two. Whatever the new name may be, its unveiling will surely be nothing short of spectacular.

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