16 Times We Felt Really Embarrassed For A Celebrity In 2015

Looking back over the last 12 months, it’s a wonder that we don’t have a permanent red mark in the middle of our foreheads. That’s how often celebs compelled us to facepalm this year. It’s absolutely the case that when you’re in the limelight, your faux pas loom that much larger than those committed by us mere mortals. But it’s also true that most of these gaffes could have been avoided with a little bit of forethought. This could have come either from the stars themselves or the people they pay to keep them out of trouble. (Or, in Lenny Kravitz’s case, a seamstress armed with industrial-strength thread.)
We’ve pulled together 15 incidents from 2015 — plus one to grow on — that left us with minor headaches. From victim-blaming and body-shaming to poorly chosen wedding gifts and Nazi-themed subway cars, read on for some of the more memorable mess-ups from this year. Maybe 2016 is the year we bring back the helmet?

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