Occupation: Student
Location: Bushnell, FL
Excitement Level For The Force Awakens, On A Scale Of 1 To 10: “A billion. My excitement exceeds that scale."
Her First Time: Kiefer doesn’t remember when, exactly, she was introduced to Star Wars, because the films have been playing in her household her entire life. “My mom is a huge, die-hard Star Wars fan, so as soon as she had kids, she showed the movies to me and my older brother, and we loved it,” Kiefer says. “Probably five years ago, I really started getting involved with the fan community, and I was like, ‘Wow, I’m a huge Star Wars fan.'” She loved the spirit of adventure the movies offer, but fell even harder for the sense of community among fans. “Anytime you encounter a fan in daily life, you have an instant friend,” she says. “It’s like a family. You can have any sort of issue or crisis and just need to talk to somebody, and I feel like Star Wars fans will always be there for you.”
I have no idea what kind of person I would be without Star Wars in my life.
It’s like a family. You can have any sort of issue or crisis and just need to talk to somebody, and Star Wars fans will always be there for you.
Occupation: Project Manager & Blogger
Location: Bay Area, CA
Excitement Level For The Force Awakens, On A Scale Of 1 To 10: “Oh, like 100 or something… I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever.” Her First Time: Ong has always been looking for her own world of adventure. That’s why, as a child, she played video games and got into movies like the Indiana Jones series and The Goonies. As a teen, though, Ong became so obsessed with Star Wars that she watched the original trilogy every week. “I would do my homework while watching Star Wars,” she says. “The world captured me, and the whole adventure, the characters — it was like nothing I had ever seen. It really put me in a different world,” she says. Ong started a Star Wars club at her high school, which boasted about 25 members. “It was maybe 80% guys, and the girls were there because they were my friends,” she recalls with a laugh. Even now, as Ong undergoes treatment for breast cancer, she is taking comfort in the films, and has planned her chemo sessions around the premiere of The Force Awakens. “I wanted to make sure I was going to be at a good place, health-wise, to go. Even going through treatment, I’m still doing things like sewing, or creative projects, or I’ll watch something Star Wars. All that stuff kind of puts me out of reality and into this world where I can feel happy about my fandom. Geeks hold their fandoms really close to their heart, and Star Wars is like that for me.”
Geeks hold their fandoms really close to their heart, and Star Wars is like that for me.
Occupation: Aerospace Engineer
Location: Kansas City, MO
Excitement Level For The Force Awakens, On A Scale Of 1 To 10: “I think we’re at a 10.”
Her First Time: Cooper can’t remember the year, but she knows the movies were the perfect fit for her as a child. “They combined stuff I liked, like ships and space, with a really good story,” she says. “It was the one thing I did as make-believe play when I was little. I had a lightsaber and I would dress up.” She still has that same green illuminated sword.
Prized Possession: “Right now, it’s probably my Star Wars special edition Xbox,” Cooper says, laughing. “That was a Christmas present from a lot of my family members.” But she also really treasures her vintage micro machines from the '90s. Her impressive collection of memorabilia totals many hundreds of items, so it's tough to choose one above all others.
Shining (Badass) Moment: I ask if being a fangirl comes with any challenges. Cooper, a trans women who transitioned about two and a half years ago, replies with kickass frankness. “Having transitioned as an adult, I don’t take any shit, really,” she says. “The fact that I like Star Wars — if someone wants to give me crap, I’m not going to take it. I don’t know, I think it’s good in a lot of ways, in that you’ll come across people that are, I would say, anti-feminist, and it’s nice to be able to step up and say, ‘Oh really? You’re going to limit me? I don’t think so.'”
Having transitioned as an adult, I don’t take any shit, really.
Occupation: Cast Member at The Disney Store
Location: Ocean Springs, MS
Excitement Level For The Force Awakens, On A Scale Of 1 To 10: “I’m as excited as anybody can be. I’m, like, 1,000.” Her First Time: “I was pretty much raised around Star Wars because my parents were both huge fans,” Lambes says. She was brought up knowing the original trilogy, and then Episode I came out when she was about 8 years old and confirmed her devotion. “The story is always fun. And of course, the exciting music.” John Williams' score is, in fact, what inspired her to join the school band and learn the French horn. (Band is also where she met her husband.) Now, Lambes envelops herself in the intergalactic world created by George Lucas when she needs to escape. Sometimes she’ll just listen to all the Star Wars playlists on her iTunes. Other times, she'll crack open one of her books from the extended Star Wars universe. “Or," she says, "if I’m wanting a feel-good movie, I’ll just pop in one of the episodes. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen them. I’ll sit here and I’ll mouth along with my favorite parts or I’ll even say out loud my favorite parts." She still chuckles at Han’s trademark quips. (Laugh it up, Fuzzball!)
If I’m wanting a feel-good movie I’ll just pop in one of the episodes.