This Woman Had The Perfect Response For The Man Who Spit At Her In Anti-Muslim Attack

Photo: Courtesy of Sharareh Delara Drury.
In the midst of what seems to be a wave of Islamophobia following Donald Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., yet another story of discrimination and abuse has emerged.
"Today. On a crowded bus. On Michigan Avenue. On my way home from a great job in a city in a diverse country that I was born in. A man screamed at me. Called me a sand ni**er. Told me I was the problem. That I need to get the fuck out of his country,” wrote 27-year-old Sharareh Delara Drury, a Chicago-based Iranian-American writer and editor in a Facebook post on Monday. "I may have been wearing my scarf higher on my head than usual because it was cold out. I may have somehow looked suspicious listening to Spotify. I am half Iranian, so maybe it was my skin or my eyes."
The man in question didn’t just stop at verbal abuse, Drury wrote; he also spit at her.
"Then this man spits at me. A man in a suit and tie. Like anyone else I'd see. He spits at me and looks at me with these regular eyes now filled with anger and tells me to get the fuck off the bus, do what I'm told, because this isn't my country. This isn't my place," Drury wrote.
Drury was born in Boston and is of Irish and Iranian heritage. She wrote that her father had survived the 9/11 attacks, and she couldn't believe that this type of discrimination was happening to her. Shocked, she finally stood up for herself, telling the man to back off, after which other bus riders stepped in to help. The bus driver eventually kicked the man off the bus when he noticed the commotion.
Drury’s post has since gone viral with more than 100,000 likes, 54,000 shares and 100 comments (and counting) from sympathetic non-Muslims and Muslims alike. Drury shared her thoughts about the incident in an interview with Refinery29.
Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Drury is Muslim. She is Iranian-American but does not practice Islam.

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