“Stoner Sloth” Takes Pot PSAs To A New Level

Stoner Sloth/Tumblr
Prepare for cuteness overload! Australia’s Department of Premier and Cabinet unleashed several PSAs to “encourage positive behaviours in young people before bad habits start, and motivate discontinued use of cannabis before they become dependent.” In other words, stop smoking weed, kids! What the DPC wasn’t prepared for was the response to its "Stoner Sloth" campaign. "Stoner Sloth" is a set of videos and GIFS featuring adorable sloth-humans partaking in marijuana and then stumbling over very simple life events, such as taking a test at school, attending a party with friends, and having dinner with family. Now, the "Stoner Sloth" is a viral sensation — probably because the sloths look so human. Using adorable animated sloths to convey the message that “you're worse on weed” wasn’t the best idea, but they’re so cute and humanlike that it’s hard to turn away. Actress Kristen Bell knows this feeling all too well. She loves sloths so much that her husband, Dax Shepard, had a sloth visit her for her 31st birthday. Her reaction was priceless.
As far as we know, the "Stoner Sloth" isn’t causing breakdowns, but it might be the funniest — and cutest — thing on the internet today.

OPENER IMAGE: FLPA/Neil Bowman/REX Shutterstock

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