Your relatives have all gone back to their respective households, the eggnog has been poured down the drain, and the ornaments are being removed from your Christmas tree as you read this. As much as we adore the holidays, let's be real: We're all a little relieved they're over. And, look at that, you survived! (Albeit with fewer commas in your bank account than before.)
But hey, just because the holidays have passed doesn't mean the gifts should grind to a halt — whether you're gifting yourself or family and friends. The new year is here, and stores are stocking up on the latest and greatest beauty products you're bound to be obsessed with in 2016. One of our favorite retailers, Nordstrom, always has some of the best beauty-product selections out there. Which is why we're always psyched when a new season rolls around and all the latest and greatest hit shelves.
Ahead, we highlight all of the goods coming to Nordstrom this month. Some you can pick up now, some are hitting its site in the coming weeks, but all are launches you should be pretty excited about.

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