7 Ridiculous Products We Can’t Believe Exist

Each year in the first week of January, tech companies congregate at CES in Las Vegas to show off their newest products. We're here to show you what's cool, what's interesting, and what's going to change your life in the year to come.
The future is now, and it's... a whole lot weirder than we expected. Internet connected everything is just the tip of the iceberg. There's an actual alarm clock now that will wake you up with your favorite smells.
However, weird isn't necessarily bad. (I mean, waking up to the aroma of fresh croissants? Yes, please!) And this year, we're seeing a whole lot of very interesting, very unexpected new products, from refrigerators that could be better described as home entertainment systems, and drones of a very unusual size.
If you think you're ready for the ridiculous, read on. But be warned: You may actually want to buy some of this stuff.


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