“You Don’t Have To Be A Size Zero” & Other Great Advice From Khloé

Photo: Eric Ray Davidson/Trunk Archive.
Perhaps you think you know Khloé Kardashian — and rightfully so. You've watched her and her family on Keeping Up With The Kardashians for nearly a decade. Her app brings you quite literally inside her home and everyday life. But the truth is, we've come to know just one aspect of this particular Kardashian. For years, we've seen generally her through the lens of her reality series as one member of a big, tight-knit group. However, over the past few months, Khloé has been striking out on her own: First with her book, Strong Looks Better Naked, the launch of her website, and now, with her very own show, Kocktails with Khloé.

The hidden-camera-style talk show, which is filmed in her California home and premieres tonight at 10 p.m. on FYI, will feature intimate conversations between Khloé and her friends. There will be special guests, like sister Kendall, along with Snoop Dogg and Aisha Tyler for this evening's episode. And yes, beverages will be served. The gabfest format just felt right for the bubbly 31-year-old, who had long considered pursuing a talk show, but decided it was never the right time. Over the past year, she has embraced a healthy-living, body-positivity ethos that has changed her appearance and state of mind. In a recent phone interview, she said she feels more comfortable with who she is now than ever before. "I’m me," she said. "I don’t think I’ve ever changed who I am for anybody. And I’m not going to try now. I’m in my 30s. I always stay true to me. I’ve lost weight on my own time, and I’ve done everything according to me and my rules. And I appreciate that I’ve done so because I hope I’m going to keep the weight off forever and I’m going to stay healthy forever." Khloé also told us she doesn't really believe in standout years, but 2016 sure is looking like it's going to be a good one for her. Here are excerpts from our chat.

What can we expect from
Kocktails with Khloé? Will you have any games or routines?
"I have 22 hidden cameras. It’s a set that’s built to look like my house, so it’s very comfortable and inviting. There’s no camera men, no lighting men, nothing. It’s basically a closed set with all hidden cameras. There will be a chef that’s cooking. There’ll be hors d'oeuvres and alcohol."

We’ve seen you on TV for years, so how is the version of you we’ll see on Kocktails with Khloé different?
"Well, you’ve seen me on TV for years. You’ve seen 44 minutes of me with my family [each episode], really. Yeah, you get glimpses and little pieces of me here and there, but this is an hour of me. It’s supposed to be really light and fun hearted, and I think my show — not that it gets dark — but we touch on more serious issues as well. This is just me individually, and me getting to hang out with my friends, and have more of, like, real, fun conversations instead of just family drama all the time."

Is the idea to make it more of an intimate view of your life, like your app?
"Definitely. It’s the first of its kind. I want my guests to feel it’s a safe haven. It’s really fun. I have my friends come over. We play a ton of drinking games, a ton of really social games instead of sitting there like, 'Hey, how are you? How’s work?' It’s not the same old repetitive shit. I really want people to enjoy themselves and let loose, let their hair down, take off your shoes if you want. Just chill. That’s what I’m all about. And it’s a free-roaming place. You can walk around, you don’t have to stay stationary. So it’s really like you’re at my house for an hour having a cocktail."

More relaxed.

That’s cool. It kind of reminds me of your radio show.
"Yeah, KhloeAfter Dark. It’s very much like that, except you get to see me. I have to do things that are true to me, or you can just tell it’s not as authentic. And this is just so fun. I want people to take away how fun it is. I’m so excited to be doing it."
Is there a part of you deep down that we haven't really seen on TV that you’re looking to showcase?
"I think with everything, there are definitely different versions of me. You see a part of me on Keeping Up, and then you see a part of me on my radio show, and a different part of me when I’m writing my book. Even on my Instagram, if I post a quote, people are like, ‘I didn’t realize you were so deep,’ or this or that. I’m like, well, you guys don’t know me. I know everyone thinks we know each other but you don’t know the ins and outs of me. So I think everything I do, you get to understand a different layer of who I am. But also I’m constantly growing up and evolving and making myself better, too. So I think no matter how much we think we know people, we’re always allowed and entitled to change and keep evolving, and that’s a beautiful thing."

There’s a perception that perhaps you’ve lived somewhat in the shadow of your sisters for a while. Is this show an effort to kind of carve out your own identity?
"No. It’s never anything intentional. I mean, I don’t think I ever live in my sisters’ shadows. I think that some sisters are more famous than the other, but I don’t doesn’t make or break me, a certain amount of attention. There’s nothing I would ever compete for. I’ve always been so confident, I don’t feel like I’m in anyone’s shadow. I don’t know, it’s just my personality. But I hear it all the time. I think that’s why we’re not competitive with each other, because it doesn’t bother us."

"People are like, ‘I didn’t realize you were so deep,’ or this or that. I’m like, well, you guys don’t know me."

Khloé Kardashian
Right. I think people put this idea out there that you and your sisters are taking turns in the spotlight. You disagree?
"Oh I love that idea! [Laughs] Totally not the truth, but I think that’s super cute and clever, I guess. We don’t take turns. ... I mean, I think everyone in general — like, if you have a bunch of your girlfriends, [you say] 'Oh my god, Stephanie. It’s totally your year.' I think people have their highlight years. If I looked back, I would say Kylie’s year was last [year]. She had a great last year. But it’s nothing that’s sought out and intentional. It’s not like, okay, 2016 will be Khlo’s year, and 2017 Kourtney’s year. I think why we’ve had such longevity is that we are a family that believes we can all get to the finish line together, and that we should get to the finish line together. We also believe in two heads are better than one, and three are better than two, and so on and so forth." That’s a cool family motto.
"And we are truly supportive of one another. I’ve been doing press in New York and I was like, Kim, they asked me how Saint was. I never wanted to upset anyone or speak too much, and Kim was like, ‘Oh my god, say whatever you want! It’s your nephew.’ We’re always very supportive of one another and if we can, we’ll be the first ones there. They’re my biggest cheerleaders and biggest supporters." In your book, you wrote that marrying Lamar helped you separate a bit from your family. The phrase you used was you had “broken free.” And then you wrote that when you and Lamar broke up, it was as if you had taken a giant step backward. So I'm wondering, between what you said earlier about being your own person in the context of your sisters, does this feeling of wanting to be separate have anything to do with why you and Lamar are still legally together?
"That’s a good question. I don’t think so at all. I mean, why we’re still legally together now is more about his medical decisions and all that kind of stuff. Before I was very much fighting for a divorce and trying to speed that process along so I could close that chapter of my life. So as of now, no, it’s for very serious reasons. ... I was always known as [one of] 'the sisters, the sisters, the sisters,' and when I got married, I kind of had my own identity — I felt like I had my own family, and this is just a different feeling. Being divorced, I felt like I took a step back emotionally. Now I’m like the 'ex-wife' or I’m the 'divorcee.' It’s a dark cloud of a title to have and I don’t think that’s fair for people to give women those titles. Going through divorce is hard enough, and then to constantly have that reminder, I think it’s hard for women." Right. So how do you feel now?
"Finally now I have so much strength. I feel super strong in where I am and how I could hold my ground, and say when I’m not comfortable in a relationship. I feel really proud of how far I’ve come with my personal strength. So definitely not at all as to why our marriage is lingering now."
Photo: Courtesy of FYI.

I was listening to your interview with Howard Stern, and I was so impressed with the way you handled it. He can be tough.
"I was so scared to do his show. I’ve always heard he’s a really nice guy, but it’s also fucking Howard Stern. I don’t know what he’s going to ask me. I was so nervous. But we just really vibed well."

Yeah, I think you two had good chemistry. He asked you about Lamar and the infidelity. I know you said Lamar's infidelity didn’t make you question the feelings between you, but I’m wondering if that experience changed your idea of what love is or what love should be?
"No. I mean, if he was unfaithful or whatnot, I don’t ever think that means he loved me any less. I actually...for some reason, I’m so confident I can say I know how much he loved me, and I know how great our love was, but was I young and naive thinking that [infidelity] could never happen to me? Maybe, and it was a lesson learned. I don’t go into a relationship negative, like, oh, every man cheats. I don’t think that. I’m much more aware [now], and I think I was so heartbroken and blindsided by everything that I didn’t have a more realistic head on my shoulders. But I wouldn’t discredit that love. I’m not going to say I don’t believe in love. I very much believe in love. I believe in marriage. I believe in people being faithful, but I think I’m more privy to the fact that, okay, people, no matter how great your love story is, people can still cheat. I don’t know, I think I’m...I’m not so naive anymore. I feel like it can’t hurt me as badly anymore because I’ve already been through it. Does that make sense?"

Absolutely. In your book, y
ou wrote that even now, even though you’ve reached a state of body positivity, that you don’t feel like a bikini girl.
"I still don’t feel like I’m a bikini girl at all, but it’s my personality. I’m sure I’ll wear a bikini one day, and I have worn bikinis. I’m just not as comfortable in [them]. I just feel like it’s not one size fits all and it’s don’t have to be a size four to be in a bathing suit or a two. You could be a size 12. You just have to own your own skin. "There’s this plus-size model named Ashley Graham who I love. I shouted her out on my app and I think she’s wonderful. People are so mean. They’ll say she’s so fat, she’s this or that. She works out, she eats right, she’s just a more voluptuous girl. That’s a beautiful body image. You don’t have to be a size zero. You can be a size 16, as long as you’re healthy. And that doesn’t mean you have to be starving yourself. It means take care of yourself. I think Ashley Graham has such a positive body image, and I respect her. She motivates me in just how confident she is in walking down the runway in lingerie. It’s exciting to see women like that."

"Now I’m, like, the 'ex-wife' or I’m the 'divorcee.'"

Khloé Kardashian
Is part of your show going to focus on balancing having fun with drinking and going out to dinner, but also being able to feel okay about your choices at the end of the day?
"I mean for me, I like to work out, but life is about enjoying life, which is food and if you choose to drink, great. I don’t drink very often. I think if you want to indulge, indulge, and go spend some extra time at the gym, but that’s every now and then. I think people need to learn self-control and not [indulge] every night. I probably drink once a month, if that. I’m just not a big drinker. But drinking once a week, like [on] my talk show, I don’t think there's a problem with that whatsoever. Or if you want some chicken fingers, have some chicken fingers. But don’t do it every night. I think people need to learn balance with anything in life. I believe if you want a piece of cake, have a piece of cake. I am not a big dieter. I’m about making lifestyle changes. And I think that transcends to the rest of your life."

How will you measure the success of the show? What’s important to you about how it all goes?
"Honestly, I don’t think about that stuff. I’m not someone who compares ratings. I think every network is so individual and so different, you can’t measure rating versus rating. That’s not how TV is anymore. If I’m happy to go to work every day, great. If I’m not, then I would stop doing it. My happiness and me wanting to go to work every day — I think that’s when you’re successful."

Is 2016 going to be a good year for you?
"I pray so. That’s the intention. I intend for every year to be a great year for me, but this one especially because last year was kind of a rocky year for me, so I really pray that this one is a sensational one."

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