30+ Lessons In Party Dressing, Courtesy Of Nicole Richie

Photo: Donato Sardella/WireImage.
When it comes to personal style, Nicole Richie has come a long way from her Simple Life days. And though we'll always hold her Von Dutch hats and cut-off jorts dear to our hearts, we're really into where she's at right now. Since her time spent parading around with Paris Hilton, Richie has added a couple of (seriously major) things to her résumé: She's a mother of two (married to a Madden brother, no less), has not one but three clothing lines, stars in her own TV show that's funnier than any other reality show spinoff, and has just signed on to work with Unilever's #ShareAMeal campaign to help donate one million meals to those in need.
How she does it all and still finds time to showcase every trend du moment is beyond us — but she somehow manages to do it, and do it well. From two Met Galas to her latest nod to Edie Sedgwick, Richie's personal style is quite an accomplishment in itself. Ahead, we've documented her looks that made the biggest statements (you know, the kind that's exactly what you'd expect from someone so candid).

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