Your Childhood Is Over — There’s A New Trix Rabbit

Being a '90s kid is more than knowing all the words to the Pokemon theme song. It's having a vast store of memories of watching cartoons, then being bombarded with a vaguely unsettling anthropomorphic rabbit who wants to take your fruit-flavored cereal. Today, Trix are still for kids, but the Trix rabbit is no longer the only animal for Trix — he's been joined by Cinnabun.
Cinnabun, a bunny hailing from Houston, TX, has been named the "honorary 'Real Trix Rabbit,'” according to General Mills' blog. The cereal company has said the original Trix rabbit will stay on most boxes, with Cinnabun appearing on a "limited supply." Having an actual bunny on those limited boxes indicates a shift for Trix and six other GM cereals — they now lack any artificial flavors or "colors from artificial sources." Cinnabun's owner, Natalie Tran, is excited to have such a suddenly illustrious pet, saying, "It’s kind of unbelievable that they picked him out of thousands of bunnies."
So the original rabbit hasn't disappeared, but the truly nostalgic will likely remain sad that the real Trix of their childhood, with clunky attempts to replicate fruit shapes, was replaced by boring old spheres in 2006. Still, a cosmetic change is better than your favorite breakfast treat disappearing forever — just ask fans of Sprinkle Spangles or Pop-Tarts Crunch.
Photo: Courtesy of General Mills.

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