THIS Is Why Channing Tatum Is The Sexiest Dancer Alive

This story was originally published on February 5, 2016.
Channing Tatum is an actor who does serious things. In fact, he's so serious that sometimes you might forget that under that earnest facade, there are abs for days.
And these abs aren't just toned from sit-ups, but the kind expertly crafted from years of performing full body rolls. Tatum has done a lot of on-screen dancing (though not nearly enough). Still, not every move can compare to the cinematic majesty that is him gyrating to "Pony."
Stacked against each other, it's obvious Tatum has had some dance scenes that are better than others. So enjoy, and let Tatum inspire you to take the hip hop class you've been considering — or finally commit to that Step Up marathon. Either choice is a solid way to spend a Saturday night.

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