A New Study Reveals The Secret To Multiple Orgasms

Photography By Lauren Perlstein.
We were thrilled by the recent launch of online orgasm-training platform OMGYES, which drew on the insight of over 2,000 women from 18 to 95 years old to create video lessons on the best techniques for achieving orgasm. Now, OMGYES has revealed the results of its 2015 Study of Women's Sexual Pleasure, and its focus is one of our favorite subjects: multiple orgasms — more specifically, how to have them. For the study, conducted in partnership with Debby Herbenick, PhD, associate professor at Indiana University School of Public Health, a representative sample of 1,055 women from ages 18 to 95 women shared details of their sex lives with the study's researchers. The results are illuminating: 47% of women surveyed have multiple orgasms, and interestingly, the majority of them use different techniques after the first to achieve the next. The study suggests that many women who believe that they or their partners aren't able to have multiple orgasms feel that their genitals are too sensitive after the first one for further stimulation — but they may in fact be able to have more than one orgasm if they use moves that are slower, less direct, and less forceful. "Right after orgasm, 53% of women who have multiples go back to earlier motions — less sensitive areas or slower," OMGYES reported in a press release for the study. "Then, many rebuild to the second orgasm by modifying the techniques that worked to get to the first orgasm... The big insight many women discover (often later in life) is to treat the body after the first orgasm like it’s a whole new body, with different likes and dislikes." To this discovery, we say "OMG, yes!" — because in the immortal words of Mae West, too much of a good thing can be wonderful. Click through to OMGYES to find the techniques that work for you.
This month, we're sharing steamy personal stories, exploring ways to have even better sex, and wading through the complicated dynamics that follow us into the bedroom. Here's to a very happy February. Check out more right here.

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