Here’s Where Your iPhone 6S Comes From

Neil Godwin / Future Publishing/REX/Shutterstock
Most of us know that, while our iPhones are designed in Cupertino, they are assembled from parts that come from quite a distance. Tech Insider has an infographic that highlights just how global the iPhone 6S truly is. And by global, we mean that most of the components are manufactured in China, Japan, and Korea. In fact, the only thing that the US contributes outside design is “rare minerals.” This is a pretty common sense result, as the fact that the iPhone is largely manufactured by Foxconn in China is no great secret. This Re/code article highlights the improved working conditions under which the iPhones are produced. The factory includes dorms, a lap pool, and private viewing cubicles that employees use to view “private” material. It’s far from a paradise, but that’s not shocking for a factory. The Tech Insider infographic highlights just how dependent we are on overseas labor and products to create the goods and services we know and love. While some presidential candidates talk a big game about cutting down on foreign trade, we doubt they’ll gain much traction once people realize that a reduction in trade would hit people where it hurts: right in the iPhone.

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