Game Of Thrones Fan Theory Says Meera Might Not Be Who She Seems

Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO
Game of Thrones fan theories range from the totally logical to the insanely far-afield. Meera’s prominent role in the most recent episode, in which she kills a White Walker with a dragonglass spear, has led a three-year-old theory to return to the fore.

Meera, the theory goes, is Jon Snow’s sister
. Note that this theory presupposes “R + L = J” which at this point seems less like a theory and more like an incontrovertible fact. To start, we have this interview. Alfie Allen says that he knows who Jon Snow’s parents are. “I can't say who,” Allen says, “but I can tell you that it involves a bit of a Luke Skywalker situation.” Now, that could refer to Jon’s familial relationship with Dany, or it could mean that he’s related to Meera. Recall that Meera is Howland Reed’s daughter, and Howland was the only other person that knows what happened at the Tower of Joy, where Jon Snow might have been born. The theory goes that Howland and Ned both took a bastard from Lyanna Stark, and that Meera is therefore the third head of the dragon. User MikeTysonsLifeCoach has a lengthy explanation that we’ll boil down to a few points. Meera is the same age as Jon. Meera is described as being close in appearance to Arya and Lyanna. Howland owed Lyanna a debt, which this would be repayment for. Though Meera is the same age as the Stark boys, and the two families are allied, Howland never offers her up for marriage.
Finally, the redditor writes, it would be cool. Can’t argue with that! There are numerous reasons why this theory isn’t true, such as Meera having green eyes, which are common to neither the Starks nor Targaryens, and that she has been in the presence of the Three-Eyed Raven, who made no mention of her significance. But those are boring. This is cool. On the spectrum of fan theories, it seems a bit tinfoil hat, but it’s still interesting to think about. “This theory is a box of tinfoil wrapped in tinfoil and tied with a tinfoil bow,” one skeptic writes. “There is no real textual evidence for it -- it's just something to think about for fun.” Read these stories next:
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