Obama Addresses Climate Change During First Family’s Trip To Yosemite

The first family is spending this weekend visiting some of the nation's biggest natural wonders. In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the creation of our national park system, the Obamas are visiting Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico and Yosemite National Park in California.
While in Yosemite with Michelle, Malia, and Sasha, Barack Obama spoke to reporters about the importance of protecting nature. "Make no mistake," he said. "Climate change is no longer just a threat. It's already a reality." "This park belongs to all of us, this planet belongs to all of us, it's the only one we’ve got," he added. "And we can't give lip service to that notion, but then oppose the things required to protect it. On this issue, unlike a lot of issues, there's such a thing as being too late." The first family stayed at a rented cabin inside the park. They also spent the day hiking around the park yesterday following the president's speech.

Ansel Obama at work. (Results can be seen on President Obama page on Facebook).

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The family also visited Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico this weekend as part of their tribute to the National Park Service.

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