Why These Bernie Sanders Supporters Are Now Backing Donald Trump

Photo: Courtesy of Comedy Central.
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are on opposite sides of many issues dominating this year's presidential race. But that hasn't stopped some former Sanders supporters from pledging to support presumptive GOP nominee Trump in the general election. A Bloomberg Politics poll released last month found that while 55% of Sanders supporters plan to back presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in November, 22% now support Trump. In her final segment on The Daily Show, Jessica Williams attempted to make sense of the poll's findings by speaking with a group of Sanders supporters. "It's not going to Donald Trump, it's going away from Hillary Clinton," one Sanders-to-Trump supporter explained to Williams in the clip. As the focus group's responses quickly revealed, it wasn't that the Sanders supporters were drawn to Trump. In fact, many of them offered various insults about the presumptive GOP nominee during the clip. It turned out they just didn't like Clinton. Williams tried to explain to the focus group that Trump and Sanders have very little in common, but her message didn't seem to resonate with them. Check out the discussion in the clip below.

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