Warning: These pictures might make you feel really old.
Unlike The Lost Boys of Neverland, we get older every year and lose some of our childish whimsy. It's a hard realization, but don't get depressed just yet. There's a definite silver lining: Just look at Dante Basco, who played the leader of the pack in the 1991 film, Hook.
With his signature red rooster hair and fearless attitude, he was once an icon of boyish rebellion. At the time of the role, he was only 16. Now, the '90s child star is 40 and seems to be as fun-loving as ever.
We're nearing the 25-year anniversary of the film and HelloGiggles thought it would be a good time to see what Rufio is up to these days. We were pretty curious, too.
You ready?
Boom. Looking fly.
Photo Credit: Todd Williamson / Getty Contributor.
Here he is with a "sword" in honor of the film's 25th anniversary.
Here he is reuniting with the Black Eyed Peas.
And here he is with his partner of 10 years, Sammy Amiransari.
I guess growing up isn't so bad, after all!