Celebrities Who Can Celebrate National Cousins Day Together

Photo: John Lamparski/WireImage.
Can you believe it's finally here? It seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating National Cousins Day. What? You say you haven’t heard of National Cousins Day? July 24 is the day to reach out to those extended family members and let them know how much you care. Maybe you round up your crew and get together for a reunion or a backyard barbecue. Not that close? Then take the time to text your mom’s brother’s annoying kid a penguin GIF and suggest he chill out.
If you’re curious about which celebrities will be relaxing in the shade of their shared family tree this National Cousins Day, click through and check out some famous sets of cousins, some we all knew about and some even they only recently discovered.
Don’t worry if all of your cousin plans fall through this year. According to the National Day Calendar, July 24 is also National Tequila Day and National Drive-Thru Day. Best not to celebrate those at the same time.


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