I Tried Kim Kardashian’s Skin-Care Routine With Budget Products

Photo: Gary Gershoff/Getty Images.
Like Kim Kardashian, I have champagne tastes. Unlike the reality star, I'm on a beer budget. So when I heard that the cost of her skin-care routine is in the four digits (and that's just for the products!), I knew I'd have to get creative. (Oh, did you think I wasn't going to attempt to get her flawless complexion for myself? Please.)
The challenge? To find quality alternatives for the pricey products stored in the bathroom cabinets of the 1%. Which led — where else? — to the drugstore aisles. Since Kim isn't shy about sharing her beauty routine, it was pretty easy to do some research on her favorite ingredients — rose, jojoba oil, and lots of vitamin C — and source them at a much lower price point.
Her star lineup of beauty weapons includes a By Terry rose facial cleanser, a Guerlain cream, and an at-home LED laser — plus a whole host of other anti-agers. She's taken us through her regimen on Into The Gloss, Snapchat, and her website — and after studying it all, I'm determined to get that glow, too.

Ahead, take a look at the under-$200 product lineup I put together to replicate Kim's $2,000 one, and find out just how well they worked.

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